To earn more money, become part of a same-sex couple.

If you’re in a same-sex relationship there’s a good chance you’ve got more bills to rub together than your straight neighbours, census data from Statistics Canada showed Wednesday. Same-sex households continue to have a higher median income than heterosexual ones. The median income for same-sex male couples was $100,707, with female couples making $92,857.

A & E

Sharing LGBT history in Connecticut.

A piece of history will be on display this month, and organizers hope the money raised will help establish the state’s first historic site focused primarily on presenting LGBTQ history. Connecticut Landmarks will hold a fundraiser on the 50-acre Palmer-Warner property in East Haddam which was home to preservation architect Frederic Palmer and his partner Howard Metzger from 1945 – 1971.


NASA nominee under attack for anti-LGBT comments.

Advocacy groups are now hoping to derail President Donald Trump’s nominee to run NASA over his history of anti-LGBT stances, including criticism of same-sex marriage as “contrary to millennia of human experience” and his description of bathroom protections for transgender people as “lawless federal bullying.”


Dallas supports discrimination in North Carolina.

Fresh off its own fight with state legislators over a bathroom bill, the city of Dallas won’t be a party to the shunning of North Carolina. By an 8-7 vote, the Dallas City Council rejected a resolution that would have banned taxpayer-funded trips to North Carolina and official dealings with the state’s businesses.


Only the inclusive may volunteer.

A couple claim they were blacklisted by the National Trust after they resigned from a property where volunteers were ordered to wear gay pride badges. Bob and Linda Gates worked for 14 years at Felbrigg Hall in Norfolk until the furore over the rainbow-coloured lanyards and the controversial ‘outing’ of its last squire.  


Seattle’s gay mayor resigns under pressure…from the LGBT community.

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray built his standing in the gay community and in Washington state politics through a decades-long push for bias protections, domestic partnerships and finally, marriage equality. But for some supporters, his standing eroded this year when he attacked the backgrounds of men who accused him of sexually abusing them in the 1970s and 1980s when they were teens.