US Senators introduce new bill to help elder LGBT Americans.

Five US Senators are putting the needs of elder LGBT Americans front and center. Tammy Baldwin (WI), the first openly gay US Senator, along with Senators Michael Bennet (CO), Jeff Merkley (OR), Edward Markey (MA) and Al Franken (MN), all Democrats, introduced the LGBT Elder Americans Act today. This bill adds on to the Older Americans Act of 1965. It includes LGBT seniors within the scope of that original bill. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


Prioritizing health care for older LGBT individuals.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals have specific health needs that become increasingly important as they age, but these concerns are often not addressed by the healthcare system. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


LGBT workers still face higher unemployment rates.

In March, the U.S. Census Bureau announced it would not be collecting data on sexual orientation and gender identity in 2020, a move that LGBTQ advocacy groups decried as a form of erasure. That decision led the social-science company CivicScience, with the support of organizations including the National LGBTQ Task Force, to collect its own survey data through anonymous online polling that’s so far covered over 153,000 respondents, more than 10,000 of whom self-identify as LGBTQ. (The Census Bureau has since reversed course and will now collect the data.) Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


P&G’s new #LoveOverBias Winter Olympics ad spotlights moms of LGBT youth

Keep some tissues handy because Proctor & Gamble has released a new ad for the Winter Olympics and it’s a tearjerker.  The commercial, titled “Thank You, Mom” shines a spotlight on mothers of LGBT youth and is part of P&G’s new campaign #LoveOverBias.Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


An all LGBT council in Palm Springs takes charge.

For years — starting with the election of Ron Oden, an openly gay man, in 1995 and then the passage of a domestic partnership ordinance — LGBT voters and their allies had been making slow but steady progress at Palm Springs City Hall. Then in 2008, after the passage of a statewide initiative to ban same-sex marriage, the community erupted in anger. Hundreds of frustrated residents took to the streets. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


Gay Games 10 marks many anniversaries for these French rowers.

My first Gay Games was in Amsterdam in 1998 – a life-changing year. I met Babou, my partner of almost 20 years, in June of that year, and the 1998 Amsterdam Gay Games were our first “outing.” Paris 2018 will be our sixth Gay Games together, our 20th anniversary and our fifth wedding anniversary – what a year to celebrate! Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality