Trump’s Judicial nominee says, “gay marriage is settled law.”

A LGBT bright spot in the current administration’s appointment of candidates who are against LGBT rights happened in his confirmation hearing. Trump’s Judicial nominee Mark Norris told a Senate Panel that gay marriage is settled law. The Republican State Senator from Tennessee, while having a history against the anti-LGBT community, seems to have moved on from his previous stance since the US Supreme Court affirmed same-sex marriage. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality Read the full article HERE.  


Optimism surrounds the ruling against the Trump transgender troop ban.

As Trump’s transgender troop ban volleys from pro and con, the current victor are those wanting the ban lifted. While not an end to the conflict, this step is important because the ruling comes from a Federal Judge. The White House is probably lining up their next hit, but for now, they seem to be on the losing side of the game. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality Read the full article HERE.  


Shannon Minter, a hero for the LGBT community.

Shannon Minter is the transgender attorney and Legal Director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights and at the forefront of the legal proceedings against the Trump transgender troop ban. He was also the attorney who won the California Supreme Court ruling that allowed same-sex marriage in California. This was the first step in marriage equality. Shortly after that, the LGBT community lost those rights because of the losing the Prop 8 vote, but his legal foundation in the California Supreme Court is credited as the basis for the other cases that continued to the US Supreme Court. Without Shannon Minter, same-sex marriage might still be a wish for the LGBT community and not a reality. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual […]


Russia targeted the LGBT community using Facebook.

Facebook, which seems to know ever detail about me down to my bald head, announced that Russia set up fake LGBT rallies in the US to create discord among the people. Facebook said they didn’t realize such fake accounts existed. Of course, Facebook also benefited from this drama as more and more people passed on the fake news. Facebook has since deleted more than 470 fake accounts. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality Read the full article HERE.  


Thousands of faith leaders come out against the gay wedding cake case.

Showing that the religious right does not speak for all faith leaders, 1,000’s of leaders from other churches have come out against the Masterpiece Bakeshop Supreme Court Case. If the Masterpiece Bakeshop wins, this would allow businesses to discriminate against the LGBT community because of religious convictions. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality Read the full article HERE.  


While Trump slept, the US Senate condemned Chechen attacks on gays.

A bipartisan resolution condemning the detention, torture and murder of bay and bisexual men in Chechnya passed unanimously through both houses of congress. These atrocities have been headlines for months, but as of yet, President Trump has not shown any leadership in addressing these human rights issues. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality Read the full article HERE.