Month: March 2018

Despite onslaught of anti-LGBTQ bills, equality moving forward in states across the nation.
As legislative sessions get underway in state capitols across the country, HRC is tracking more than 110 anti-LGBTQ bills and more than 159 pro-equality bills introduced in state legislatures. Despite broad support for LGBTQ equality and the historic national win on marriage equality in 2015, some state lawmakers have continued to advance an anti-LGBTQ agenda.

Studies: Lesbian couples earn less; more likely to break up.
Key findings of two studies, each the first of its kind, found that lesbian couples earn about 68 percent of what gay male couples make and gay male couples are the least likely to break up among lesbian and heterosexual couples. A new Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center report studies marriage patterns after the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision in 2015, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Conservatives alarmed after Trump re-nominates LGBT activist Obama appointee to EEOC.
President Donald Trump has re-nominated an LGBT activist to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), to the confusion and horror of some members of his own party. The nominee, Chai Feldblum, is an Obama-appointee with a track record of bashing Christians for their stance on marriage, and hostility towards religious liberty.

As Trump’s ban plays out in court, America’s first openly transgender recruits are joining the military.
Sammy Downs woke up in her car at 3 a.m. as Logan, her husband, slept in the rented Penske truck parked beside her. They had crashed there for the night, at this empty gas station somewhere in Texas, as the polling numbers rolled in and it became official: Donald Trump would be the next president.

California group helps aging LGBT community face challenges.
Older adults in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community face unique challenges as they become more vulnerable and are forced to depend on outside services for care and assistance. That’s the belief of the LGBT Aging Coalition of Ventura County, which was formed in late 2015 to bring together allies and members of the LGBT community.