Thank you for an epic first year.

Image from compassQ

CompassQ was launched a year ago to help the LGBT community find the quality stories being covered around the world by both the mainstream media and the niche LGBT publications. The goal continues to get the best stories of the day in front of our community and allies.

In the past year, we have read through over 80,000 articles and shared almost 3,100 of them with you. We have thousands of people following compassQ on a daily basis and subscription to the daily newsletter alone has grown by 600% since the beginning of the year. We are now one of the top three queer news sources on Twitter. The support has been incredible.

Over the next few months, we will be adding some more features to the site, but always with the focus of bringing quality information to the LGBT community.

Please continue to share the stories, follow us on Twitter (@compassQ) and Facebook (@compassqmedia), and of course register for the daily newsletter at And of course we welcome your comments and suggestions.

Again, thanks.

The editors at compassQ




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