Year: 2018

Be careful what you wish for. What would President Pence do?
With less than a week until Christmas, Special Counsel Robert Mueller still isn’t spilling any tea about how close his investigation is to President Donald Trump. But as the number of cooperating witnesses grows in his wide-ranging investigation into the election…

A Turbulent Year: Five LGBT advances and setbacks in 2018.
LGBT+ rights suffered setbacks in 2018, but gay sex is illegal in fewer countries and more same-sex couples can marry than ever. Cuba dropped same-sex marriage this week from its new draft constitution in the latest setback in 2018 for…

Here’s why Darren Criss refuses to play gay characters again.
As a performer, Darren Criss is hard to define. He’s played a musical Arrowverse villain, a Backstreet Boys tribute band member, and Harry Potter, just to name a few. The two characters he’s best known for, though, are…

A long history of police targeting gay men in sting operations.
Rory Moroney was doing office work on a laptop at Recreation Park in Long Beach on Oct. 15, 2014, when he got up to use the park’s restroom. He was followed by a man who walked past him and smiled, which Moroney took…

Outsports Person of the Year : Adam Rippon.
Chances are, a year ago today you had barely heard of Adam Rippon. To be sure, there was good reason to know his name. He had been one of the best figure skatersin America for much of the last decade, finishing…