Jersey City Pride focuses on transgender rights.

After decades of fighting for basic rights and finally obtaining the freedom to marry, the LGBT community is gearing up for yet another battle to retain some of their gains. Faced with a hostile U.S. president, this year’s Jersey City’s Pride Festival will become the focal point of that struggle.


The Pride Parade kicks off in Montreal today

The festivities celebrating Montreal’s sexual diversity and plurality are nearly over, but not before the colourful and large-scale Pride Parade takes over downtown streets today. The parade started at noon at the corner of Drummond Street and make its way east along René-Lévesque Boulevard. The event will wrap up at Alexandre-DeSève Street in the city’s Gay Village.


Luvs gets it right when connecting with LGBT parents.

Finding an “insight” is the holy grail of marketing. Brands spend years and dollars mining data to find exactly the right way to connect with their target audience. The “insight” becomes the unique aspect of the target where the brand can find an even more unique connection. Finding the “insight” is a big part of what I teach in my class at NYU. It’s a big part of the work I do with clients. And there’s no better example than that of the brand Luvs.


Editorial: Redefining ‘sex’ is good for LGBT protection

Amending the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to protect members of the LGBT community is long overdue. It’s been debated in every legislative session since 1983, yet there has been no progress. The state of Michigan still allows discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This is ridiculous. However, as that fight continues, Equality Michigan has filed a petition with the Michigan Civil Rights Commission that could immediately help this vulnerable population.


Madonna sued in Russia for being offensive.

Some Russian activists have sued Madonna for millions of dollars, claiming they were offended by her support for gay rights during a recent concert in St. Petersburg. Anti-gay sentiment is strong in Russia. In St. Petersburg, a law passed in February makes it illegal to depict homosexuality in a positive way to minors, and the author of that law has pointed to the presence of children as young as 12 at Madonna’s concert on Aug. 9.


Richard Simmons holding National Enquirer accountable.

Richard Simmons says he is not transgender and gives a pointed list of reasons why in an ongoing explosive lawsuit with a magazine company who printed otherwise. The fitness guru, 68, who has been living as a recluse for years, is in the middle of a contentious legal battle with National Enquirer magazine’s parent company- American Media. Simmons is suing the company for defamation after they reported he was transitioning into a woman.  


After the yearbooks were printed, the Missouri school district apologizes.

A Missouri school district said administrators censored lighthearted yearbook quotes by a pair of gay students celebrating their sexual orientation because they could have “offended” other students. The students, Joey Slivinski and Thomas Swartz, each selected quotes expressing their sexual orientation to appear beneath their senior portraits. The quote Slivinski submitted read: “Of course I dress well, I didn’t spend all that time in the closet for nothing.”