Historic gay representation in the Florida Legislature.

The first openly gay candidate elected to the Florida Legislature said this week that he didn’t run as a one-issue candidate and intends to represent all of his constituents regardless of sexual orientation. David Richardson, a certified public accountant from Miami Beach, defeated three other Democrats in the Aug. 14 primary and is unopposed in the Nov. 6 general election. “I did not run as a gay candidate and I’m not going to serve as the gay legislator,” Richardson said in a telephone interview.


Broadway comes to LGBT senior group in NYC.

Sing For Your Seniors brought cast members of Broadway hit “War Paint” to perform for senior members of the LGBT community in SAGE’s midtown headquarters on August 10th. They sang numbers from their show and some of their favorite Broadway standards for their enthusiastic audience. “So many of these people grew up with Broadway being one of the few places that celebrated differences and diversity, and LGBT stories and people, so it has a special place in people’s hearts,” says Christian Appel, SAGE’s Women’s Program Coordinator.


HRC conference in Orlando to focus on LGBT youth.

Working to support LGBTQ youth, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, in partnership with the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Counseling Association (ACA), will hold its nationally-acclaimed Time to THRIVE Conference February 16-18 at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek in Orlando. Toyota will again be a presenting sponsor. In its fifth year, this premier event of the HRC Foundation, the educational arm of the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization, will address the safety, inclusion and well-being of LGBTQ and questioning youth.


Holding the LDS Church accountable for past actions.

The LDS Church’s endorsement this week of a fundraising concert for LGBTQ support groups sends a mixed message, says former Mormon Tyler Glenn, the outspoken lead singer for Neon Trees. Glenn, who is gay, is referring to a statement posted Wednesday on the church’s website that praises the Aug. 26 LoveLoud Festival in Orem as an effort to unite participants in addressing LGBTQ “teen safety and to express respect and love for all God’s children.”


Did Amazon allow the harassment of transgender employee and her husband?

Amazon may have grown into the mega-giant retailer it is today thanks to its innovative customer service policies, but one new lawsuit claims that they’re actually regressive in the work force. According to TechCrunch, the company is now facing a lawsuit from two former married employees who said that Amazon allowed them to be harassed and mistreated because one of them was transgendered.


Only 3% of Vancouver men are gay or bi – Yet another survey.

Forget what you may have heard about “one-in-10” people being gay — a long-discredited figure that arose in sexologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey’s 1940s research. This week, a team of public health researchers at the University of British Columbia believe they’ve finally come up with the most accurate-to-date measure of actually how many men have sex with men, at least in Vancouver. Their answer: 27,000 men, or 2.9 per cent of the male population over 16.


Does UK Football Association gets it wrong?

British race walker Tom Bosworth has criticised the Football Association for wanting “to create a gay day”. FA chairman Greg Clarke told a Commons Select Committee last year that openly gay players may suffer “significant abuse” and has suggested they come out collectively rather than on their own.