A first person’s account of the early days of the AIDS Epidemic.

In 1981, I began showing symptoms of what would become known as HIV/AIDS.  It started with painful swollen lymph nodes larger than golf balls in my armpits and groin.  Tests for mononucleosis and a biopsy for Hodgkin’s disease came back negative. Next came night sweats that soaked my sheets, exhaustion despite 12 hours of sleep, skin rashes, fungal and yeast infections in body creases, Harry Leukoplakia on my tongue, and reoccurring shingles.


Panti Bliss, an Irish force for the LGBT community.

Ireland’s Panti Bliss is an LGBTQ icon you’ve probably never heard of – but it’s time to take notice. Panti has been instrumental in Ireland’s fight for marriage equality and is well known for hosting the Alternative Miss Ireland event. If that wasn’t enough, she also hosts the incredible Pantibar pride parties. Although Panti is known in the LGBTQ circles, her alter ego Rory O’Neill made her a household name.


The brands that got it right supporting Pride.

Every June, big brands show their appreciation for LGBT dollars, I mean dignity, by featuring queer faces in their ads and brand messaging. On one hand, it’s quite heartwarming and affirming to walk around cities throughout the world and see Gilbert Baker’s rainbow flags waving in store fronts and from lamp posts.


Judy Garland died and the LGBT movement began.

Flags flew at half-staff over Fire Island. Thousands of mourners stood for hours outside the Frank E. Campbell funeral home on Madison Ave. It was Friday the 27th of June 1969, and Judy Garland was dead at 47, victim of pills, booze and misery. On record players and radios all across New York, she still yearned to be in the wonderful faraway place where troubles melt like lemon drops.


Pro-gay judge in Iowa battling anti-gay activist for reelection.

A group of Iowa conservatives announced over the weekend they will campaign to defeat Iowa Supreme Court Justice David Wiggins, who was part of the court’s unanimous 2009 decision to allow gay marriage in the states. But Wiggins, unlike three Iowa high court judges rejected by voters in 2010, is backed by a group of activists fighting their own campaign to defend him. On Nov. 6, Wiggins faces a retention vote as every judge does every eight years, and needs simply more yes votes than no votes to keep his position.


Oops! Anti gay marriage group accidentally selects the bisexual flag colors for logo.

It’s been barely a week since the government committed to a postal plebiscite on marriage equality, but the vicious No campaign is already underway. Andrew Bolt and Miranda Devine have both penned long screeds on the issue, while disgraced Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop went on Sky News to spout nonsense about polygamy and bestiality.