A & E

LGBT photographs the highlight at the NY Art Book fair.

The most alluring aspect of the New York Art Book fair is the sheer variety of innovative art publications represented from over 28 countries. Everything from a zine to a comic book will be available for purchase from booksellers, antiquarians, artists, institutions and independent publishers.

A & E

Lesbian documentary chosen by Taiwan for Oscar consideration.

Taiwan has selected documentary “Small Talk” as its contender in the Academy Awards foreign-language film category. Directed by Huang Hui-Chen, the film is “a meditative exploration” into Huang and her lesbian mother’s past as a priestess and absentee parent. The film won the Teddy Award in Berlin earlier this year for best documentary.

A & E

QFilm Festival kicks off in Long Beach.

Kicking off this Thursday is the city’s longest-running film festival, set to bring more than 1,500 people through the doors of the historic Art Theatre to view narrative features, documentaries and short films embodying the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) communities.

A & E

Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus takes on gay addictions.

Chicago Gay Men’s Chorus kicks off its 2017-18 season with Hitting Rock Bottom: KnoW Hope, a cabaret show chronicling the trials and tribulations of addiction. 26 members of the chorus will each take to the stage to sing about the ups and downs of this issue.