How this 100-year old company is negotiating innovative benefits for LGTBQ families.

Attitudes in the United States are radically and positively shifting when it comes to gay marriage, and with that change comes enthusiasm about becoming parents, too. Making space to support this in your company can also help build a winning corporate culture. Research has show how fostering an inclusive culture can help organizations make better, faster and more innovative decisions that positively effect the bottom line. Read the full article HERE.


Professional wrestler comes out as gay and says he tried ‘conversion’ therapy.

A professional wrestler has come out as gay and said he tried to ‘cure’ his homosexuality. Mike Parrow, a 34-year-old wrestler from Orlando, Florida came out as gay in a new interview. He tells Gay Star News: “I’ve always known I’m gay… That was never a question in my mind.” Read the full article HERE.


Looking back on 2017 in HIV/AIDS, and what’s in store for 2018.

I can safely say this was a year for the record books, and in some ways that we’d never expected. Given the Trump administration and the Paul Ryan (R-WI)/Mitch McConnell (R-KY)-led House and Senate efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, we were in danger of losing so much ground. Read the full article HERE.


British Columbia will now offer a daily drug that prevents HIV — for free

In just a few days, gay and bisexual men in British Columbia, and others at risk of contracting HIV, will have free access to a drug that significantly reduces the risk of getting infected. After months of studying the question, the BC Ministry of Health will begin covering PrEP at no cost on Jan 1, 2018, through the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. Read the full article HERE.


10,000 LGBT young people were made homeless this year in the UK.

Tens of thousands of young people were made homeless in 2017, including over 10,000 LGBT+ people, according to new figures. Research released on Christmas Day showed that nearly 45,000 people aged between 18-24 had approached local authorities to seek assistance this year. The figures, obtained from 234 local councils by Freedom of Information requests, were requested by the political party the Liberal Democrats. Read the full article HERE.


GLAAD claims 20% of millennials are LGBT.

The LGBT advocacy organization GLAAD, touting an online poll it claims shows a stunning 20 percent of American millennials aged 18-34 “identify as LGBTQ,” is warning on its website that the Trump administration “is erasing the LGBTQ community from the USA.” The organization said its third annual report also noted an increase in acceptance of LGBTQ lifestyles in 2015, citing… Read the full article HERE.


TV network asks if watching too much porn “turns people gay”.

Satellite TV station, TV9 Telegu (India) recently featured a segment that explored the reasons behind homosexuality. The title of the segment was: “Gay culture on the rise in Telugu states.” The ridiculous piece aired on December 25 and was also published on the station’s YouTube channel. Read the full article HERE.