Prioritizing health care for older LGBT individuals.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals have specific health needs that become increasingly important as they age, but these concerns are often not addressed by the healthcare system. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


Yet another study shows that children of gay parents do just fine.

In a world where marriage between individuals of the same sex is increasingly recognised in law, opponents desperately cling to the belief that children raised by gay couples fare worse when deprived of a parent of either gender. The bulk of research just doesn’t back this up. And there is a lot of research out there. Yet the debate persists, so this latest study digs a little deeper into the problem in an effort to clear up persisting arguments. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


Uptake of medications for HIV treatment and prevention changes sexual practices.

The Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour 2017 released today by the Centre for Social Research in Health (CSRH) at UNSW Sydney finds the proportion of non-HIV-positive gay men who reported pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use in the six months prior to the annual Gay Community Periodic Surveys increased from 2 percent in 2013 to 5 percent in 2016. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality    


Hate and discrimination lead to a ‘catastrophic’ rise of HIV in Russia.

Sylvia Urban of the umbrella group German AIDS Service Organization described the massive spread of HIV in Russia as “catastrophic.” According to Russian government data, more than 100,000 people contracted the virus in Russia in 2016. During the same period in Germany, which has half as many residents, the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin registered just over 3,400 new infections. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


Dallas Coalition for Aging LGBT stages another summit.

While building our own senior facilities has long been a goal of the LGBT community, that was never the main goal of the Coalition for Aging LGBT. Rather, the organization has looked for allies to work with and add programming and other solutions to some of the unique needs of the aging LGBT community. “We’re bringing on a lot of collaborative affiliates,” coalition founder Cannon Flowers said. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


Hepatitis A is spreading among gay men in LA County; vaccinations urged.

While hepatitis A outbreaks are occurring among homeless encampments in other regions of California, Los Angeles County is seeing the disease spread among gay men, public health officials said in an alert released Thursday. The spread has prompted Los Angeles County public health officials to expand their outreach efforts to men who have had sex with men, urging them to get vaccinated. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality  


Hundreds of Utah’s LGBTQ youth to gather at statewide summit.

Hundreds of Utah LGBTQ students are scheduled to meet up for a statewide summit in Orem next month to find solidarity and discuss issues like bullying and educational and career advancement. The event, called Ignite, aims to bring together LGBTQ teens from Utah’s rural and urban areas and those involved in gay-straight alliance organizations. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality Read the full article HERE.