If you watch gay porn, it’s likely that you have body issues.

A lifetime of having body issues along with the constant attack on the community leads to depression and other mental health issues. The research – which was published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour last month – used a sample of 1071 gay and bisexual men (GBM) to monitor their gay porn consumption. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality READ MORE HERE:  


Children raised by same-sex parents do as well as those from M/F couples.

The same-sex marriage vote currently going on in Australia has forced to the front of the conversation other concerns by the ant-LGBT side. During the fight or same-sex marriage in the US, issues of family were often mentioned. Here is an article that addresses those concerns. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality READ MORE HERE: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/oct/23/children-raised-by-same-sex-parents-do-as-well-as-their-peers-study-shows


Georgia State Representative wants to quarantine people with HIV.

You read it right. Betty Price, a Republican State Representative and wife of former Health Secretary Tom Price, is advocating quarantine for those living with HIV as a way to protect society. She was fine when they died, but now that they are living, she wants them put away. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #Equality READ MORE HERE: http://www.newsweek.com/tom-prices-wife-georgia-lawmaker-says-people-hiv-should-be-quarantined-689836


Many bullied LGBT workers forced to leave their jobs.

In a newly released CareerBuilder survey, 40% of LGBT workers said they felt bullied in the workplace — 11 percentage points higher than all workers. And of those who experienced bullying, 41% said it forced them to leave their jobs. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #Equality READ MORE HERE: http://www.hrdive.com/news/careerbuilder-41-of-bullied-lgbt-employees-say-it-made-them-quit/507714/


#UsToo – Gay and bisexual men are not immune to sexual assault.

Almost one in three gay men and bisexual say they’ve been a victim of sexual assault, abuse or rape. A survey of 1,053 gay and bisexual men by FS magazine has shone a light on the shocking reality of sexual assault, rape and abuse within the LGBT community. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #Equality READ MORE HERE: http://attitude.co.uk/one-in-three-gay-and-bisexual-men-say-theyve-been-a-victim-of-sexual-assault-or-rape/


UK government considering funding PrEP.

A new study published in the science journal “Lancet Infectious Diseases“ suggests that funding the rollout of HIV prevention drugs, known as PrEP, could save the National Health Service £1billion over 80 years. NHS England has been slow to grant PrEP access for gay and bisexual men throughout England and Wales. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #Equality READ MORE HERE: http://www.care2.com/causes/funding-prep-could-prevent-hiv-infections-and-save-the-uk-millions.html


HIV nonprofits, “working myself out of a job.”

A phrase that is occasionally thrown around among health-related nonprofit professionals, particularly those working towards a disease cure, is the idea of “working myself out of a job,” or working toward a cure so the nonprofit is no longer needed. But what happens to the organization when a cure actually does emerge? Is it a clear-cut decision to wind down operations? #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #Equality READ MORE HERE: https://nonprofitquarterly.org/2017/10/19/new-york-hiv-nonprofits-face-darwinian-questions/