Planned Parenthood wants you to be a better LGBT ally.

Planned Parenthood Toronto’s LGBTQ Youth Initiative is helping the city’s straight and cisgender youth be better allies via a multimedia campaign that launched September 26. Send the Right Message offers practical tools for supporting LGBTQ+ identities while speaking directly to young people.


Gay conversion therapy now legal in Brazil.

Brazilian federal court judge Waldemar de Carvalho has overturned an almost 20-year-old ban on “gay conversion therapy,” now allowing homosexuality to be treated as a “disease.” De Carvalho’s decision reverses a 1999 Federal Council of Psychology, CFP, ruling that banned licensed psychologists from attempting to “convert” people who identify as LGBTI.


Harvard Medical School leads the way for LGBT health courses.

Seeing a Harvard Medical School diploma hanging in your doctor’s office may in itself be impressive, but now, for some LGBTQ patients, the degree may provide some additional comfort. With a new LGBTQ elective course, the incorporation of LGBTQ health needs into existing courses and an LGBTQ-specific scholarship, the school is taking a leadership role in the health care of gender and sexual minorities.