United Healthcare – No Truvada because you’re gay!

Discrimination against LGBT people is often once-removed, shielded under double-speak and fraudulent intentions. So, it’s refreshing, really, when a company comes right out and says in black and white that gay men aren’t worthy of the same protections as everyone else.


LGBTQ teens should take this survey by HRC.

HRC and researchers at the University of Connecticut launched a major national survey of LGBTQ teens. The survey is open to teens who identify as LGBTQ, are between 13 and 17, and are living in the U.S. Eligible teens can take the survey here.  


LGBT & HIV/AIDS health conference.

Equitas Health’s Institute for LGBTQ Health Equity will host its second annual conference bringing together 550 activists, academics, community members, health and social service professionals to address health disparities affecting the LGBTQ and HIV/AIDS community. The conference will take place at The Ohio State University – Fawcett Center October 19th – 20th. This year’s theme will be “Health Across the Lifespan” with sessions focusing on: Mental and Behavioral Health Access to Care Cultural Competency/Humility Advocacy and Community Engagement Clinical/Medical


What will healthcare look like for the aging LGBT population?

I am often concerned when I think about what my “world” will look like in 20 years. You should know that “my world,” as it is, consists of aging gay, lesbian and transgender Americans. I am one of many “out and proud” gay physicians in our great country. It is my vocation to help my patients age the best way they can.