Doctor’s in the UK are freezing sperm of transgender youth to father children in the future.

Dozens of transgender teenagers are freezing their sperm or preserving their eggs on the NHS so that they can have babies after changing sex, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Adolescent boys – some as young as 12 – who believe they are female are having their sperm frozen before receiving powerful hormone treatment that halts the onset of puberty and shuts down their reproductive system.  


High rate of self-destructive behavior among transgender and homosexual students.

A new study reveals that virtually all transgender students are self-harming in Scotland. The pro-gay “Stonewall” school report for Scotland with the University of Cambridge shows 96 percent of the country’s transgender youth engage in self-destructive behavior, including cutting themselves. The report also found “incredibly high levels” of mental health issues in transgenders.


NYC walking tour dedicated to LGBT history.

Earlier today, the National Parks Conservation Association launched a walking tour that’s dedicated to telling the story behind the 1969 Stonewall uprising and the subsequent fight for LGBTQ rights. This self-guided walking tour will include 20 different stops near and around the Stonewall Inn (now a national monument), in the Greenwich Village area.


Undetectable viral load = no risk

Following the lead of hundreds of HIV experts and prevention organizations around the world, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this week stated there is “effectively no risk” of an HIV-positive person with an undetectable viral load — the amount of HIV in blood — sexually transmitting the virus to an HIV-negative partner.


LGBT homeless youth have a safe place to stay in Derry.

Martin McConologue has spent the best part of the last 30 years working with some of the most vulnerable people in Northern Ireland. He has helped, accommodated and befriended street drinkers, rough sleepers, drug addicts and gamblers. Those with mental illness, those prone to lawlessness and many more who have just fallen on hard times.


Why Amazon won’t make Texas its second home.

Amazon announced that it is seeking a second North American headquarters with up to $5 billion investment in facilities and 50,000 jobs at an average pay of $100,000 a year. This will be a major economic boon for both the state and city that lands the deal.