LGBT people under attack in the UK.

The number of attacks on lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the UK has soared by nearly 80 per cent in the past four years, new data shows. More than one in five LGBT people have experienced a hate crime or incident due to their sexual orientation or gender identity in the last 12 months, compared with 16 per cent in 2013.


Hotline set up in Orlando to report LGBT discrimination during Irma evacuation.

The GLBT Center in Orlando is activating a hotline on Saturday so that individuals can confidentially report instances of discrimination at shelters, evacuation centers or when accessing emergency services. “Someone might be turned away or feel that they’re discriminated against, so we put this up so they know they can get to somebody in their community who can help them to get things cleared up,” said Terry DeCarlo, The Center’s director of communications. “We don’t want people to wait, wondering what they’re going to do, because this is an emergency situation.”


Nowhere to go…the challenges of being homeless and LGBT during a hurricane.

There was nowhere for 19-year-old Sean Chavez to go when Hurricane Harvey thundered into Houston less than two weeks ago. The homeless teenager, who is bisexual, sat on a sidewalk drenched in rain. It came down with such fury that it got into his lungs. A sick feeling grew in his stomach. He was getting cold. “I couldn’t really breath,” Chavez told NBC News. “I was praying I could get a place to get out.” Then, he said, a car pulled over and a woman stepped out. She asked him if he had a place to go.


Transgender and homeless in Portland, a rising trend.

When she first considered transitioning from a man to a woman, Sophia Conquest made a checklist of “bad and good things.” On the bad side: As a transgender woman, she’d essentially have a target on her back. “I knew it was going to happen,” Conquest says. The day before WW interviewed her last month in Pioneer Courthouse Square, Conquest says, a child threw rocks at her. Earlier that week, she adds, a woman physically assaulted her in a confrontation that began with the woman insulting Conquest with slurs, like “She Man.” Conquest eventually fended her off with her purse while running away.


LGBT hate crimes in Scotland double in four years.

HATE crimes against gay and bisexual people in Scotland has almost doubled in four years, shock stats show. A hard-hitting survey by a charity revealed almost one fifth of those who took part had suffered homophobic abuse this year compared with just 9% in 2013.


Greece is on the gay travel radar.

Gay Star News, the biggest Gay Media in the United Kingdom, with more than 1.000.000 monthly visitors, recommends Greece as the ideal destination for gay holidays in September, Greek Reporter writes. The initiative is part of Travel by Interest’s international campaign, “September in Greece.” In collaboration with the Editors of Gay Star News, Travel by Interest’s Hotel Experts have selected 10 ideal destinations for Gay Holidays in September.


“Christianity and Queerness” by a gay, Christian pastor.

As a gay, Christian pastor, Gary LeCroy says conversation is the first step to ending negative connotations of homosexuality. “I think a lot of the people who are opposed to [homosexuality] have never sat and actually dialogued with people who are,” LeCroy said. LeCroy was the keynote speaker for the “Christianity and Queerness” event on Tuesday, Sept. 5. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lutheran Center and LGBTQA+ Resource Center partnered to host the event in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center.