Counting the gay and bi population in Vancouver is like herding cats.

How many gay and bisexual men do you think there are in Metro Vancouver? Think of a number. I’ll wait. If you guessed 30,000, or three percent of Vancouver men, you’re probably not far off, according to a new study by a Vancouver researcher. But if you were way off the mark, don’t feel bad about it. It turns out counting gay and bisexual men isn’t easy, even for scientists.


Let’s not forget, Castro’s Cuba is still anti-gay.

For years, Cuba was not very friendly to homosexuals – i.e., concentration camps for gays and segregation of people with HIV. About 20 years ago, Reynaldo Arenas wrote his memoirs and reminded the world that homosexuality is a crime in Cuba, and he was one of the many exhibits of that repression.  


Things to know about Patagonia.

Patagonia is a massive chunk of land on the tip of the America continent split between Chile and Argentina. It has a variety of landscapes ranging from the Andes mountain, desert, grasslands and ocean, making it perfect for adventure travellers. We spent a month travelling across this vast region and have set out our 5 highlights and interesting facts about Patagonia from our experience.


LGBT people under attack in the UK.

The number of attacks on lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the UK has soared by nearly 80 per cent in the past four years, new data shows. More than one in five LGBT people have experienced a hate crime or incident due to their sexual orientation or gender identity in the last 12 months, compared with 16 per cent in 2013.


LGBT hate crimes in Scotland double in four years.

HATE crimes against gay and bisexual people in Scotland has almost doubled in four years, shock stats show. A hard-hitting survey by a charity revealed almost one fifth of those who took part had suffered homophobic abuse this year compared with just 9% in 2013.


Greece is on the gay travel radar.

Gay Star News, the biggest Gay Media in the United Kingdom, with more than 1.000.000 monthly visitors, recommends Greece as the ideal destination for gay holidays in September, Greek Reporter writes. The initiative is part of Travel by Interest’s international campaign, “September in Greece.” In collaboration with the Editors of Gay Star News, Travel by Interest’s Hotel Experts have selected 10 ideal destinations for Gay Holidays in September.


More pressure on the LGBT community in Indonesia.

Twelve women have been evicted from their home in the conservative Indonesian province of West Java amid renewed fears of crackdown on sexual diversity. The group had been renting a shared house in the village of Tugu Jaya, where their cohabitation and “unfeminine” appearance had unsettled conservatives. Responding to a complaint from religious leaders and an Islamic youth group that the women’s living arrangements was “against the teaching of Islam”, police raided the women’s home last Saturday, giving them three days notice to leave.