The brands that got it right supporting Pride.

Every June, big brands show their appreciation for LGBT dollars, I mean dignity, by featuring queer faces in their ads and brand messaging. On one hand, it’s quite heartwarming and affirming to walk around cities throughout the world and see Gilbert Baker’s rainbow flags waving in store fronts and from lamp posts.


Gay-Straight Clubs in Catholic schools are taking hold.

Whether named Gay-Straight Alliance, Inclusivity Club, or something else, Catholic schools in Ontario now allow lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) acceptance student groups because they have to, but many districts are proactively supporting gay-straight alliances, and many students find their school to be a much more empathetic place.


Judy Garland died and the LGBT movement began.

Flags flew at half-staff over Fire Island. Thousands of mourners stood for hours outside the Frank E. Campbell funeral home on Madison Ave. It was Friday the 27th of June 1969, and Judy Garland was dead at 47, victim of pills, booze and misery. On record players and radios all across New York, she still yearned to be in the wonderful faraway place where troubles melt like lemon drops.


High school student’s yearbook quotes are “straightwashed”.

When two openly gay students at Kearney High in Missouri flipped through their yearbooks to their photos, rather than finding the inspirational quotes they’d chosen to go below their pictures, there was nothing but blank space because school officials removed the pro-gay quotes out of concern that other students could be offended, according to KCTV.


Ex-Muslims in Britain fight for LGBT rights.

The Council of ex-Muslims of Britain will challenge Islam and any other religion for persecuting minorities, including the LGBT community, Jimmy Bangash, the spokesman for the controversial group, said during a debate on RT. The group made headlines in the UK after its members joined an LGBT parade in London on Tuesday. Their least controversial banners at the event read: “We’re here. We’re kaffir [unbelievers]. Get used to it,” “Celebrating apostasy,” “Make LGBT rights universal” and others, accompanied by a list of Muslim states that punish homosexuality by the death penalty.


Gay Russian violinist’s beautiful life in Chicago.

One day this spring, Artem Kolesov set up a video camera in the Chicago townhouse where he lives, sat down in a chair and started talking to the young gay people of Russia. “Yesterday I turned 23 years old,” he began. He went on, in Russian, to tell the story of growing up as the fourth of six brothers in a small town, an hour’s drive from Moscow, where his father was a deacon and his mother was a youth pastor at the Pentecostal church.


Why the VA transgender student dropped his appeal.

Gavin Grimm, the Virginia transgender student who took a bathroom case to the United States Supreme Court, dropped part of his case Friday, after years of high-profile litigation that could have marked the first transgender case to be heard by the high court. Papers were filed in Richmond just before 4 p.m. to drop the appeal seeking an immediate end to the Gloucester County Virginia school district’s bathroom policy.