What is the Catholic church’s teaching on homosexuality?

Since Building a Bridge, a book on ministering to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics, was published, I have been asked—at Catholic parishes, retreat centers, colleges and universities and conferences—a few questions that recur over and over. The most common are: “What can we say to gay people who believe that God hates them?”…


Victory Fund crucial to electing LGBTQ candidates.

The LGBTQ Victory Fund is “the only national organization dedicated to electing openly LGBTQ people who can further equality at all levels of government.” That makes it one of the most important LGBTQ organizations in the world. The reason it is so important to elect more members of the LGBTQ community is capsulized…  


Christian preacher warns that masturbation is actually gay sex.

A Christian crusader known as “Coach Dave” is preaching that men who masturbate are basically engaging in gay sex with themselves. Dave Daubenmire, a former Ohio high school football coach who was sued by the ACLU for forcing his players to pray, now shares his biblical interpretations online through his own Pass the Salt ministry.


When adoption agencies can turn away gay prospective parents, what happens to the kids?

Oklahoma lawmakers may soon sanction private adoption agencies turning away same-sex couples and other prospective parents who don’t meet their religious criteria, a possibility cheered by the Roman Catholic Church and many evangelical Christians and lambasted as discriminatory by gay rights groups. It’s a conflict playing out across the nation, and both sides say that if the other wins, the number of children placed in loving homes will fall.


I’m a Congressman and a veteran. Trump’s transgender military ban isn’t just unconstitutional—it’s stupid.

I initially viewed President Donald Trump’s July tweet suggesting we ban transgender military personnel as unimaginably idiotic. I figured there was no way it would be executed. In the face of numerous global threats, why would we kneecap our military by prohibiting willing and able people from serving in our volunteer armed forces?

Cell phone with data mining sources

The dire consequences of data mining to the LGBT community.

Will data mining be harmful to the LGBT community? By Patrick Rylee – Thursday, March 29, 2018 I don’t think anyone is surprised about the revelation that Facebook and Google are mining data from our accounts. It has always been easy to use social media and forget this little downside to this technology. It wasn’t until articles started coming out about Cambridge Analytica and how much information they were able to secure from Facebook that people started to look closer at data mining by the tech giants. If you are trying to come to terms with being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender and have been looking for answers online, that information in the wrong hands could definitely be used against […]


The latest ‘cure’ for being gay is fermented cabbage juice. It doesn’t work.

There’s never been a shortage of crazy “cures” floating around the internet. Most recently, one woman claimed that veganism had cured her late-stage breast cancer,while God had also cured her of her lesbianism. She’s dead, of course. But for sheer nuttiness, Jillian Mai Thi Epperly’s “cure” deserves special attention. Epperly believes that her special brew of fermented cabbage juice can solve practically any health problem, from cancer to aging.