Americans should have more control over their data.

If you’re ever expecting a child, Target wants to be one of the first to know. The company has invested in research to identify pregnant customers early on, based upon their purchasing behavior. Then, it targets them with ads for baby gear. While companies such as Target mine data about products their customers purchase from them (like prenatal vitamins) to send them personalized ads, many also rely on information gathered about us on the web… Read the full article HERE.


Bashing gays is a bad political strategy.

As the 2018 election campaign is set to begin in earnest, a leading gay-rights advocacy group has some advice for Pennsylvania office-seekers: Don’t think you can win by running roughshod over LGBT citizens. “Likely voters across Pennsylvania overwhelmingly support LGBTQ-inclusive policies and are less likely to vote for a candidate who does not,” says a Dec. 29 release of polling data compiled for the Human Rights Campaign. Read the full article HERE.


Looking back on 2017 in HIV/AIDS, and what’s in store for 2018.

I can safely say this was a year for the record books, and in some ways that we’d never expected. Given the Trump administration and the Paul Ryan (R-WI)/Mitch McConnell (R-KY)-led House and Senate efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, we were in danger of losing so much ground. Read the full article HERE.


The Russian Facebook scandal damages liberals as much as the right.

December is the month for retrospectives about the year’s most interesting news stories, and my nominee is the tale of the Russian Facebook advertisements, which burned across front pages a few months ago. The ads in question were memes, manufactured and posted to a number of bluntly named… Read the full article HERE.


11 amazing things that happened for LGBT people in 2017.

There’s no denying 2017 has been a bitch of a year. But as it draws to a close, it’s worth acknowledging all the forward momentum we gained. Here are 11 wins the global LGBT community chalked up in 2017. Australia, Germany, and Malta legalized marriage equality. Read the full article HERE.


Four ways every company can advance LGBT rights in 2018.

In the first year of Trump’s tumultuous presidency, many businesses stood on the side of fairness and equality, just as threats to LGBTQ rights mounted. Last March, for example, business leaders pushed North Carolina to revise its discriminatory HB2 legislation, which barred transgender people from using restrooms in government buildings and… Read the full article HERE.


No, lifting ‘net neutrality’ doesn’t hurt gay people.

Among the remarkable overreactions to the repeal of net neutrality rules, one of the most bizarre claims asserted that the decision placed LGBT people in harm’s way. I do not pretend to fully understand all the aspects of this topic, but I am certain that how an Internet service provider… Read the full article HERE.