11 amazing things that happened for LGBT people in 2017.

There’s no denying 2017 has been a bitch of a year. But as it draws to a close, it’s worth acknowledging all the forward momentum we gained. Here are 11 wins the global LGBT community chalked up in 2017. Australia, Germany, and Malta legalized marriage equality. Read the full article HERE.


Four ways every company can advance LGBT rights in 2018.

In the first year of Trump’s tumultuous presidency, many businesses stood on the side of fairness and equality, just as threats to LGBTQ rights mounted. Last March, for example, business leaders pushed North Carolina to revise its discriminatory HB2 legislation, which barred transgender people from using restrooms in government buildings and… Read the full article HERE.


No, lifting ‘net neutrality’ doesn’t hurt gay people.

Among the remarkable overreactions to the repeal of net neutrality rules, one of the most bizarre claims asserted that the decision placed LGBT people in harm’s way. I do not pretend to fully understand all the aspects of this topic, but I am certain that how an Internet service provider… Read the full article HERE.  


The lives of queer dreamers hang in the balance.

Last week, 127 LGBT organizations and allied groups, including ours, demanded that Congress pass a clean Dream Act before the end of this year. The lives and livelihoods of an estimated 800,000 people, including over 36,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, depend on Congress acting now. Read the full article HERE.  


Mayors come together to fight discrimination in their cities.

This week marks a key hearing in a U.S. Supreme Court case that could have drastic implications for our LGBTQ residents. The case, which concerns a Colorado bakery that refused to serve a same-sex couple, threatens the very freedoms on which this country was founded… Read the full article HERE.  


The Supreme Court wedding cake case shows it’s time to redefine free speech.

In 2012, a gay couple in Colorado asked a baker to make them a wedding cake. The baker refused, saying that to do so would mean going against his religious beliefs. The Colorado government sided with the gay couple, arguing that the baker’s decision violated state anti-discrimination laws. Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality


It’s always been about discrimination for LGBT people.

As a gay person, I grew up knowing I was different. Hearing other kids call anyone who deviated from traditional gender expectations a “fag.” Getting called a “lesbo” at age 11. I hadn’t come out to anyone and didn’t even really understand what it meant… Read the full article HERE. #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #homophobia #equality