The gay movement’s righteous fury belongs in the past

The Pride Wars are now a fixed feature of LGBT politics. Lefties attack the event for being too corporate and apolitical. Tories, not always made welcome by other marchers, complain it’s too political and not inclusive of ideological diversity. You could perform a few stonings beside the Queers for Palestine stall and still be more welcome than Jews waving Stars of David. Intolerance never went away, it just rebranded as intersectionality.


I’m a retired naval officer. Here’s why I support LGBTQ troops

As a retired naval officer and former U.S. Navy hospital corpsman (enlisted), I want to share some thoughts about the recent “ban” on transgender individuals serving in the military. My opinion is that as long as someone can meet the qualifications to do the job, up to and including deployment, combat, high-stress work, etc., they should be allowed to serve their country.